Loan servicing and forgiveness for Paycheck Protection Program loans
Scratch partners with bank and non-bank lenders to manage loan forgiveness and servicing for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans. We provide full end-to-end servicing of PPP loans throughout their entire lifetime, unlike other PPP software solutions.
Are you a PPP borrower? Browse our help center or get support here.
What does this mean for your borrowers?
Our custom-built online forgiveness flow guides your borrowers through every step of the loan forgiveness process, whether they are eligible for a streamlined application or will use the full application.
Our team of experienced Loan Guides provides personalized support to your borrowers via email, chat, and phone – always grounded in empathy and a deep understanding of the latest PPP guidelines and legislation.
Your borrowers can use the online borrower application to make payments or take any other actions on their PPP loans. Scratch provides full servicing for any remaining balances not forgiven, up until pay-off.

What does this mean for you?
Boarding PPP loans with Scratch is fast and easy – we can ingest your loan data in your format and coordinate with you to communicate changes to your borrowers. After boarding, you can see portfolio insights daily via our SFTP or reporting API.
As your borrowers apply for forgiveness, we’ll verify their documents, request more information if needed, and submit forgiveness applications directly to the SBA in accordance with the latest guidelines.
Our platform and our team of Loan Guides are ready to apply regulatory changes quickly and accurately as the government continues to update its PPP loan guidance with new implications for lenders and borrowers.

PPP Borrowers
If you are a borrower with a PPP loan looking for information about loan forgiveness, browse our PPP help center or contact us here for support.
PPP Lenders
If you are a lender looking to work with Scratch, reach out to our Partnerships team here.